Graphic Facilitator & Group Process Consultant

Tag Archives: Creativity

At a recent meeting, I was reminded how hard it can be to separate the quality of an idea or the validity of a fact from the popularity or authority of the person expressing it. Have you ever suggested something at work and been pooh-poohed, only to have someone ELSE suggest the same damn thing…and […]

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I’m now into Month 3 in my quest to do something new every day. My birthday in February was quite delightful – I let go of my control freak ways and let my wife plan an entire day of newness. I never knew what was next until it happened. It was a blast! Here are […]

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My New Year’s Resolution to do something new everyday garners interesting reactions. Some question my rules. (What happens if you skip a day, do you have to make it up? Do you plan them out a week ahead of time? You did three different kinds of different puzzles, does that really count as three things […]

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My approach to New Year’s Resolutions for 2014 has been heavily influenced by the book I Dare Me by LuAnn Cahn. For an entire year, Cahn did something new every day – something she had either never done before in her life, or had not done since childhood. I’m not sure why this idea has […]

When we try to improve or invent a product or process, we often get stuck in negativity: “Oh, no that won’t work!” Part of the problem is that we need to separate out IDEATION from EVALUATION. These are two different mental processes, using our right and left brain hemispheres, and we can’t do them both […]

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