Graphic Facilitator & Group Process Consultant

Tag Archives: Gratitude

I’m VERY happy with how this card came out…although it is completely inappropriate for its originally intended use as a Thanksgiving card to send my clients!  

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By: Eris Weaver | Date: January 22, 2015 | Categories: Leadership, Personal Growth & Development

This weekend, in honor of  Martin Luther King Day,  I attended the incredibly moving film Selma. What most stood out for me, watching that line of people marching toward a line of angry, heavily armed policemen, was their courage. To march forward, knowing you are likely to be physically attacked. To do so with a […]

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During one of my weekend runs, I passed under a bridge where a homeless man was sleeping. I’d been out for an hour or so, and the tea I’d drunk earlier was calling for an exit. As I scouted for a suitable location, it occurred to me that I had a few things in common […]

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After breaking my leg two years ago, I wrote a blog post chronicling the lessons I learned from hobbling around on crutches.  (Read the full post here.) They can be summarized as: Slow down. Be patient. Prioritize. Ask for help. Economy of motion. Be creative. On crutches again after foot surgery, I have a couple […]

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It’s now been five weeks since I broke my ankle. Five weeks of navigating the world on crutches. Some of the lessons I’ve learned during my temporary disability: Slow down. I can’t zoom around at my usual frenetic pace or I will fall flat on my face. I have to watch the ground for tripping […]

>Another Step Toward Justice For All

By: Eris Weaver | Date: August 12, 2010 | Categories: Uncategorized

>Just after noon today, U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker, who last week ruled California’s gay marriage ban unconstitutional, denied the stay sought by backers of the ban. Next week, gay couples in California will once again be able to wed, unless the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals grants the opponents a stay. Walker is […]

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Recently I was given the valuable opportunity to practice what I preach! A client was not entirely happy with the work we’d done together and gave me very frank, specific and detailed feedback about it. While grateful for their honesty, I was somewhat taken by surprise. This conversation was an excellent chance to review these […]

>Gratitude Revisited

By: Eris Weaver | Date: November 10, 2009 | Categories: Uncategorized

>Well, since I originally conceived of the Gratitude event, I have been blessed with an avalanche of new clients and gigs…so many that I need to cancel the event in order to actually accomplish the work they’ve given me. I am so full of Gratitude for new work opportunities…but it is ironic that I have […]

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A Celebration of Gratitude

By: Eris Weaver | Date: October 13, 2009 | Categories: Uncategorized

>Our national holiday of giving thanks has devolved into an orgy of overeating and commercialism. I’m organizing a World Cafe gathering here in Cotati to discuss, celebrate, and promote gratitude. What are we grateful for? How can we maintain a sense of gratitude in the face of hard economic times and personal challenges? How can […]

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