A couple years ago I stumbled on Leah Piken Kolidas’ art blog. She’s created a month long creativity challenge, declaring November Art Every Day Month. Participants are invited to create art every day and share it with the rest of the community. In the past my participation has been somewhat sporadic (see my past entries here) but this year I am going for broke: one piece every day, regardless of how “good” I think it is! I am bolstered somewhat by the daily drawing journal I kept during my six weeks in Europe; using a small sketchbook and keeping my expectations low seem to be a key to success for me.
In preparation, I am collecting lists of drawing challenges and tasks in case there are days when I need a prompt to get started.
- Carla Sonheim‘s Drawing Lab
- Drawing Words, Writing Pictures (focuses on comics)
Gary Panter’s drawing tips
- Lynda Barry‘s Picture This! and What It Is
Join me, won’t you?