Spent some time today experimenting with drawing on my iPad. Many of my colleagues use tablets for much of their graphic work but I do not enjoy it much. I haven’t practiced enough for it to flow effortlessly and keep wanting to JUST GRAB A PEN ALREADY!! Plus the results always seem crude, my line […]
A couple years ago I stumbled on Leah Piken Kolidas’ art blog. She’s created a month long creativity challenge, declaring November Art Every Day Month. Participants are invited to create art every day and share it with the rest of the community. In the past my participation has been somewhat sporadic (see my past entries […]
I’ve written before about my Year of New Things, and the transformative effect it has been having on my daily life. This summer, I went to Europe for the first time: six weeks of new countries, new cities, new food, new languages, new money, new transportation systems. I had a blast! When I got home […]
One of my favorite authors, Gretchen Rubin, continually reminds me that what we do every day influences us more than things we do once in awhile. Habits matter. One of the habits I struggle to create for myself is daily drawing. As a Graphic Facilitator, I rely on drawing as one of my tools for […]
How Not to Say the Wrong Thing by Susan Silk and Barry Goldman is easily the most brilliant thing I’ve read all year. I will summarize it briefly but you owe it to yourself to go read the whole thing. Basically, when someone is in a sucky situation – their dog died, they have cancer, […]
I’m now into Month 3 in my quest to do something new every day. My birthday in February was quite delightful – I let go of my control freak ways and let my wife plan an entire day of newness. I never knew what was next until it happened. It was a blast! Here are […]
My New Year’s Resolution to do something new everyday garners interesting reactions. Some question my rules. (What happens if you skip a day, do you have to make it up? Do you plan them out a week ahead of time? You did three different kinds of different puzzles, does that really count as three things […]
My approach to New Year’s Resolutions for 2014 has been heavily influenced by the book I Dare Me by LuAnn Cahn. For an entire year, Cahn did something new every day – something she had either never done before in her life, or had not done since childhood. I’m not sure why this idea has […]